The Hooplife® 2V2® 2019 (RESULTS)
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Tournament Timeline:
GAME 1: BBOB defeat Spring Branch
GAME 2: BIG 4x defeat Kmarkis
GAME 3: Triple Threat defeat Hams
GAME 4: Hoopers defeat LYBIG
GAME 5: BBOB defeat Ill Funk
GAME 6: BIG 4X advances Grind Szn no show
GAME 7: Hoop City defeat Triple Threat
GAME 8: LYBIG defeat Aces
GAME 9: Hams advances Grind Szn no show
GAME 10: Hoopers defeat Ill Funk
GAME 11: LYBIG defeat Spring Branch
GAME 12: Triple Threat defeat Kmarkis
GAME 13: BBOB defeat BIG 4x
GAME 14: Hoop City defeat Aces
GAME 15: Hams defeat Hoopers
GAME 16: Triple Threat defeat LYBIG
GAME 17: Hams defeat Aces
GAME 18: BIG 4X defeat Triple Threat
GAME 19: BBOB defeat Hoop City
GAME 20: Hams defeat BIG 4X
GAME 21: Hams defeat Hoop City
GAME 22: BBOB defeat Hams
Team Rankings:
• Hams
• Hoop City
• Big 4X
• Triple Threat
• Aces
• Hoopers
• KMarkis
• Spring Branch
• ILL Funk
• Grind Szn
Tournament Rules:
• 2-on-2
• Up to 3 players per team
• Referees For each game
• Shoot for first possession (Top of Key)
• Must inbound the ball to start play
• No dribble inbound to start play
• Clear the ball to 3pt line
• 2's and 1's (No Deuce)
• All Games played to 12
• Technical Foul ( 2 free throws and ball )
• Regular Foul ( 1 free throw and ball )
• Double-Elimination
• All players automatically entered in the HEAT CH3CK CHALLANGE®
Location / Date:
• Woodlawn Gym
• 1103 Cincinnati Ave, San Antonio, TX 78201